Gender has a major role to play in furthering inequalities and social roles that may hinder growth and development. In India, gender along with other factors like poverty and caste plays a role in depriving girl children from their right to education.
Education is a universal human right however, girls in India continue to suffer from deprivation of basic primary and secondary education. The literacy rate of women in India is only around 60% and only 40% of girls between 15-18 years of age are not attending school. Poverty is a factor since 30% of girls from poorer families have never entered a school.
Poverty is a major reason for this lack of access. Combine it with gender bias that girls will get married off and won’t help the family with income and resources and you get perfect justification for refusing schooling to girl children. Schools themselves do not offer infrastructure that is inviting or even safe for girls. Lack of gender-affirming education is also another contributing factor.
Education of girl children has a good chance of preventing the girls from getting married off at a young age. It will promote some amount of financial independence, development of skills and personal growth.
Girls will earn higher income and take part more consciously in decisions that affect them. The gender pay gap can also go down with higher female literacy. The education of girls will also contribute to ending the cycle of poverty.
Reduction in inequality and greater opportunities for all will help the economy grow and lead to development that is sustainable and long-term. It is important to centre girls and their education especially those from underprivileged backgrounds and provide them resources and better access to quality education.
Fikrah believes in equitable access to education and that no child should be left behind. Our campaigns for equal education for all includes girl child education as a main priority.