Myths About Health in India

There are several myths about education in India. People believe in incorrect things regarding health. 

It is important to be wary of these health-related myths to stay healthier and safe. 

Let us look at some of those myths we hear frequently. 

Myth 1 : Smaller frequent Meals Help Lose Weight

It’s a prevalent belief that eating small, frequent meals helps with weight reduction by promoting the body’s metabolism. The frequency of your meals is irrelevant if you are eating a balanced diet and getting the energy you need.

Myth 2 : Children Do Not Have to Worry About Heart Health

Children too have to worry about their heart health. As soon as a baby is a few weeks old, fats and inflammatory cells begin lining the arteries. This results in a narrowing of the arterial passage, which might later cause a cardiac condition. In this way, the greatest treatment is prevention. Children must exercise properly and get their heart health in order.

Myth 3 : Milk Is A Complete Food

It offers calcium, protein, and minerals like zinc to kids. However, it’s critical to avoid seeing milk as a complete diet and assuming that it meets all of a child’s nutritional requirements. While milk may be a beneficial addition to your child’s diet, it shouldn’t be the main course every single day.

Myth 4 : High protein diets lead to hair fall.

Since humans need amino acids to create keratin, the protein in the scalp, protein is an essential food needed for healthy hair. People who consume high levels of protein frequently have a tendency to forget about other nutrients like carbohydrates, good fats, vitamins, and minerals, which can lead to hair loss. 

Therefore, a diet high in proteins won’t result in hair loss provided it also contains a suitable amount of the other nutrients.