According to an India spend study of the previous two Global Burden of Disease (GBD) surveys, iron-deficiency. Anaemia has continued to be the leading cause of disability in India for the past ten years.
Widespread anaemia, which is caused by poverty, malnutrition, bad sanitation, and an unbalanced vegetarian diet.It has a negative influence on India’s workforce’s productivity and Iron-deficiency anaemia was the cause of 10.56% of all Years Lived in Disability in 2015.
These figures are double Russia’s and three times China’s in terms of the BRICS countries. In terms of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), India also tops this list.
Reasons for High Anaemia in India
There are a number of factors involved in the high rates of anaemia in India:
Low income and poverty have a lot of influence on the development of poor health. And in prevention of full development and growth of the child.Poverty as a factor is linked to poor access to healthcare and nutritious.Food which can prevent anaemia and related diseases.
Caste plays a role in perpetuating poverty and in enabling discrimination. That is responsible for social exclusion and lack of awareness.
Poor Sanitation
Sanitation facilities in India are lacking in several places. There is poor hygiene and sanitary practices in most places especially among rural and underdeveloped regions. There is lack of awareness about the correct forms of sanitation. The risk of infection greatly increases due to these.
Malaria and worm infestation
Human malaria caused by Plasmodium species is linked to decreased haemoglobin levels, which commonly result in anaemia. The most severe and deep anaemia, with a high risk of mortality, is caused by Plasmodium falciparum.
Vegetarian diet
The amount of dietary iron in a vegetarian diet is equal to that in a non-vegetarian diet. However studies have shown that animal-based iron is more readily absorbed (15–40%) than plant-based iron (1–15%).
Large quantities of green leafy vegetables, legumes, and nuts must be ingested to make up for the poor absorption. However, the impoverished cannot afford these. Join Fikrah today and volunteer with us and contribute to our cause to help make healthcare a reality for every child in the country.